Saturday, June 27, 2009

update time, yo!

hey everyone! it's bridget! (you know, the new one from the last meeting.. hi!)

anyways, the drama team just finished a meeting with some hilarious results which, hopefully, we'll be posting here soon. yay! hurray! yipee! enthusiasm!

sooo... if you want to know when these funny videos get posted, you should start a blog and be a follower of unabandoned's blog! that's what i just did.

have a sunny saturday everybody! It's all about the Son (hehe get it?)

peace out, unabandoners!


p.s. check your email - katie sent something important out today.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


hey girls!! its jazz! any girl who wants to have fun and learn about G-O-D should come to our revolve tour called UNABANDONED here in rochester!! we are goin to have lots of fun!! also we are having a movie night july 17 from 7pm-10pm. we r raising money to go to Phillydalphia to the next revolve tour. SO HELP US OUT WILL YA?!?! lolz location is 321 East Ave. Rochester, NY 14604 phone number is (585) 232-1136 x10. bring ur friends and fam! the movie is a surprise! haha! lolz

peace in hair grease!!



Hey gurls this is India. I went to the revolve tour for the first time when it came to Rochester and i loved it.My favorite groups were Group 1 Crew and Hawk Nelson.My favorite skit was when Tyler did umbrella it was so...... funny! I encourage you gurls to make out to our event I promise you won't be sorry.COME TO UNABANDONED!!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


hi my name is faith and i went to the revolve tour in rochester it was really amazing. It was really easy to relate to and very funny. Cool people like natalie grant, group 1crew and more performed.

now a group of teen girls from bethel christian fellowship are doing their own cool version of the revolve tour. There will be dance, singing, skits,and a speaker to share the love of Jesus with other teen girls in rochester.
stay tuned for more!